B-Living Issue 2 May 2022 May 2022 | Page 9

Be mindful of your heart Extreme cold , coupled with unaccustomed exertion , is bad for your heart . Studies have shown that heart attack rates increase as temperatures decrease . Normally inactive people who subject themselves to intense bursts of activity , during the chilly days , are more at risk . Seek medical help immediately if you feel discomfort , chest tightening or pain in the chest , upper arm or neck area . Most heart attacks start with mild symptoms that worsen .
Keep your asthma in check Winter can be a challenging time for people with asthma . Cold and flu viruses can trigger asthma attacks , dry air and smoke from the fireplace can irritate airways , exacerbating asthma symptoms . Try to avoid known triggers if you can . Cover your mouth with a scarf when going outside . Keep taking your asthma medications , even if you are feeling well . See your doctor during the winter months if you feel your asthma is not under control .
Keep exercising The cold winter weather does not mean you should stop your usual exercise routine . Put on warm clothes for a brisk walk or try fun winter outdoor activities . When it ’ s cold your body burns more kilojoules to keep warm . If the thought of venturing outside when it ’ s windy or wet really doesn ’ t appeal , don ’ t let this set you back , try a workout in the comfort of your home .
Keep taking your medication Your heart needs to work much harder in colder temperatures to keep blood pumping around your body . If your heart health and underlying conditions are well managed , you ’ re less likely to have problems if you do come down with a cold as the cool weather sets in . An important way to support your heart health is by taking your medication , regularly and on time . Keeping to a schedule , setting reminders and getting your repeat prescription can help you to keep on top of your routine .
Protect yourself from flu Staying free of flu means you can get on with your life , rather than battling illness during the winter months . Flu can make you seriously ill , you are more at risk if you are older or have a heart or circulatory condition , which is why we recommend an annual flu vaccine . Bonitas pays for one flu vaccine per beneficiary , per year , from the Preventative Care Benefit on all options .
With the coronavirus still circulating , having the flu vaccine is even more important this winter . It will help you avoid getting ill or , at the very least minimise your symptoms .
Equally important , is to get your Covid-19 vaccine – if you haven ’ t already – and go for your booster . You can have the flu vaccine and booster shot at the same time , just in different arms .
Stave off the stress Most of us know that stress weakens our immune system . Colds always seem to strike when we ’ re overworked or emotionally exhausted , as do eczema flare-ups , headaches and myriad of other health problems . Keep stress at bay by taking some time out to meditate , spend time with loved ones , listen to relaxing music or even go for a massage .
Eat more fruit and veggies Fruit and vegetables are rich in antioxidants , vitamins and nutrients , which can help boost your immune system . Add more citrus fruit ( such as oranges and lemons ), green vegetables , garlic , ginger , tomatoes , kiwi and strawberries to your diet .
' With the coronavirus still circulating , having the flu vaccine is even more important this winter it will help you avoid getting ill or , at the very least minimise your symptoms .'
Bonitas Member Magazine Issue 2 | 2022