GuerDilla marketing is an adverYising stDategE in which low-?cost, unconventional means such as gDa?ti, ?ash mobs etc are used. Some such methods are –
•? Tissue-?pack marketing – In Japan, Cos use small, porYable tissue packages to move adverYising copies directly into consumers’ hands. While the tDaditional ?yers are o?en discarded without being read or simply not accepted, these tissues add fGnctionalitE to the adverYisement. •? Undercover Marketing (stealth marketing) – Customers do not realise they are being marketed to. Eg: In 2002, Sony Ericson hired 60 actors in 10 cities and had them accost stDangers and ask them, “Would you mind taking my pictGre?” The actor then handed them a brand new phone while talking about how cool the device was. •? Grassroots marketing – To target in?uential people or gDoups and count on them to spread the word about the product. A book author can send Bee books to Amazon's top reviewers in hopes that they'll post favorable reviews about the book which will then a^Dact more readers, and buyers instead of mass marketing to random -? Akansha Prakash (BMS 1), Anjana Iyer (BMS3) YOURSELF! Voted as ‘the celebs of BMS!’ EverEone knows them for a stDong brand they’ve unknowingly created for themselves. Chopra’s presentation skills and Nikita’s quizzing aptitGde totally de?ne them and Ritika ???Kp?x?$0??T?0??0?]8?&\?0???0?H0??\?0??0?\?0?X??H0?[HH0??Z?]H0??X?[p?x?$0??T?0??0???