-? Akshita Agarlal (BMS 3)
In 1971, Nike Co-?founder Bill BowerUan used his wife's wa?e iron to exReriment with the idea of using wa?e-?ironed rGbber to create a new sole for footlear that would gDip but be light-?weight.
The founder of FedEx, Frederick W. Smith once saved the company by taking its last $5000 and tGrLing it into $32000 by gambling in Vegas.
Ed Cox, Bom St Francisco invented scrGb pads which were named S.O.S (Save Our Saucepans) by his wife. In 1917, he was an aluminum pot salesman. When Cox would intDoduce himself to potential new customers he would give them a li^le steel wool pad as a sorY of calling card. EventGally, these pads became more popular than the pans he was tDEing to sell so he began selling the pads. On average, Google has acquired more than one company everE week since 2010.