But the experience of running a label is missing and also how to release a track,

I mean all the process before saying “ Yes now its sounds great and we can release it” ! On another side its great because I discover really nice productions and Im still discovering releases that I missed or that I never knew ‘cause I was too young or even not born yet when it was out!

3. which countries have you visited through being booked and which as your favorite?

I traveled all over the world but Russia if we talk about continentsAbout countries I did France, UK, Ireland,Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Austria, Turkey, Italy ,Portugal , Spain, Greece, Lithuania, Poland, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Miami, Polynesia, Japan, China, Indonesia , United Arabia Emirates, South Africa, Botswana, Swaziland… I probably forget some , not sure…I mainly had great time in everyone to be honest but the one I was blown is South Africa and still now !I never saw such a passionnated crowd as South Afican one!

They know my music better than me as producer and they remember me sometime some releases I did years and years ago I was so many time in trance playing for them I never felt it like that to my other gigs outside South Africa to tell the truth.In Tahiti, in Polynesia, I had wonderful time aswell and spent 10 days with my friends whith whom I played on Boats which was totally amazing as we had the Stars and Moon as decoration…

4. Do you use loops or prefer to program your beat from single hits?

I do both cause we find great tools to use on our beat, but I never use it like the original loop as I add single hit to personify it .

I anyway prefer to build my own drum with single hits.

5. What is the key ingredient in a track? breakdown? Style of production? Bassline?

All of them , but its too opened question for me .I have no key but, if the combination of the elements used in a production match ,

I feel emotions and power in the sound which means “I got something here”.