2.1 How did you get your start in the music business?

The things started slowly with “Love Island” we were excited to see our first release on a vinyl on French label Jazz-Up Rec run by Teddy G who Rotax and produced music Glasgow Underground.Thanks this release Ben Watt from Buzzinfly was playin this track and quickly proposed us to do a release on his label which result on “Musica Féliz “ and “ Insomnia” production.

So we really took another level on the scene ‘cause Ben watt really bring us under the spotlight with his huge experience on music business and the way of promoting his artists from the label , I can say I learn a lot working with him and his team!

2.2 How had the internet changed your relationship with and to music and the industry?

The good point is that its more easy and faster to reach a label and to listen music producer from all over the world !This revolution is fantastic and must be accessible to everybody !

The negative point , for me , is that we get lost into the thousands releases monthly done which 50% of them are really badly produced because with the music software now you can create a song, your label and get distributed on easy way .