11.1 For our readers who have never heard your music, explain your sound in 5 words.
Soulful, shamelessly Bold, Rhythmic, Musical, Ground - Breaking
11.3 What are the five things you can’t live without?
MUSIC, my headphones, Food, God & my business partner in crime Neo Soulsta
12. Any advice for the aspiring producers out there?
empower yourself with knowledge, don't "box' yourself, network, build relationships, collaborate to learn new things and carry a global mind.
1. Please tell me a little about yourself? Who is Neo?
A: Neo is a songwriter and singer, born and raised in Alexandra. Driven by Art as a whole, from theatre, poetry, photography and music – such keeps me alive and positive minded.
2. How have you gotten your songs out to the industry who should hear them? Sounds like you've been pretty successful with this. Do you have any tips to offer other songwriters in this regard?
A: This all started when I was featured on projects with Cosmic Beets, I Took it upon me in 2011 to attend the South African Music Conference, to network and learn more about the industry. Kanunu embraced a song I recorded with Cosmic Beets “Day of Serenity” at the listening session on the beach with other producers, legendary & aspiring deejays, over 200 people listening. This attracted more opportunities, as this lead to more airplay on Urban Beat – a show on MetroFM. My music was on Afrodesia, but now on Traxsource releasing more music as Velvet Suite Lounge. I enjoy writing songs, that’s my fun time of insanity, fun time with words( lol) my lyrics match my age, I share personal experiences, thoughts, aspirations, fantasies (hmmm) – There’s over a million ways of saying eg: I love you… I enjoy finding mature, original yet fun ways of delivering my content and voice, to match the music I do, giving each song its own identity.
3. What is your musical background? Do you have a musical family or did you just fall into song writing all on your own?