AWCCI Magazines Afghan Women in Business (Issue 2) | Page 17
Business to Business Matchmaking
Program at Afghanistan Value Chain -
High Value Crops
AWCCI-South Zone, in cooperation
with the Afghanistan Value Chain -
High Value Crops (AVC), launched a
Business to Business-matching pro-
gram on June 27, 2019. In this pro-
gram, Ms. Zahra Zahid, the Zone Man-
ager of AWCCI-South Zone, Ms. Laila
Afaq and Ms. Shukaria Mari, members
of AWCCI Board of Directors in the
South Zone, Mr. Matiullah, Program
Officer of AVC, and other business-
women and businessmen attended.
The purpose of the program was to
strengthen the network between the
businesses of women and men and to
introduce them to the AWCCI.
In the course of the program, a pres-
entation was delivered to the partic-
ipants by the AWCCI Zone Manager
on the services, activities and initia-
tives of AWCCI. For example, Ms. Za-
hid provided information on “Made
by Afghan Women” trademark, the
requirements to use the mark on
products. Then, the questions of the
participants regarding the AWCCI
services and achievements were an-
swered. It is worth mentioning that
the AWCCI website was also shared
with men and women in order to get
acquainted with the ongoing activi-
ties of it.
The Program Officer of AVC appreci-
ated AWCCI for their cooperation in
holding this program and added that,
“this program is a good opportunity
for women to expand their business-
es get familiar to AWCCI and get ben-
efit of its services. As a conclusion of
the program, a basic network built
among Kandahar Businesswomen
and AWCCI.