AWCCI Magazines Afghan Women in Business (Issue 2) | Page 16
Information Session of Startup Valley
Program for Members of AWCCI in Balkh
WCCI- North Zone in cooperation
with KARAGAH Entrepreneurial
Consultancy Service held informa-
tion session about business training
under the title of “Startup Valley” for members
and staffs of women businesses which led by
the AWCCI members, on Saturday May 26, 2019.
This meeting hosted by AWCCI in Directorate of
Balkh Industry and Commerce conference hall.
At the beginning, the Zone Manager of AWCCI
in Balkh office, Ms. Tamana Farewar appreciat-
ed the participation of all the chamber mem-
bers and women businesses to the informa-
tion session and gave quick information about
AWCCI-North Zone. Ms. Najma Abed, a member
of AWCCI-Balkh and provincial coordinator of
the KARAGAH office in this province provided
full information about three-month business
training program of Startup Valley for 35 par-
ticipants of the session. This training soon with
fund of Promote office and implementation
of KARAGAH Office will hold in Balkh prov-
ince. Which aims to develop start-ups who has
been working for last one year. The “Start and
Improve Your Business” or SIYB International
Business Training Package will also be teaching
during the three-month course.
The participants at the session had chance to re-
ceive the electronic registration form and they
had the opportunity to apply for this program.
AWCCI-Balkh office is constantly seeking to link
business women to business and personal skills
development opportunities.
AWCCI-East Zone met Directorate
of Women Affairs (DoWA)
in Nangarhar
AWCCI-East Zone had a meeting with Directo-
rate of Women Affairs (DoWA) on 12 May 2019
at Directorate of Women Affairs in Nangarhar.
Ms. Sadia Omarkhil, Zone Manger of AWC-
CI-East, Ms. Mahtab Malikzai and Ms. Shahla
Shaieq, Board members of AWCCI met Ms. Fa-
tana Aziz, Head of DoWA in Nangarhar. At first,
Ms. Omarkhil provided information on AWC-
CI current activities and achievements; after-
wards, Ms. Mahtab Malikzai said that women
who are working in unsustainable situation of
Afghanistan especially in Nangarhar worth ap-
preciating. Meanwhile, she thanked DoWA and
asked for their further cooperation in future.
Ms. Fatana Azizi appreciated AWCCI’s efforts
and promised to continue their cooperation
with her. At the end of the meeting
Then, Ms. Shahla Shaieq, Head of Radio Narg-
es in Nangarhar and a businesswoman, talked
about her activities and asked DoWA to cooper-
ate further in expanding their business.