AV News Magazine | Page 33

AV News 200 - May 2015 W ilm s lo w W e e ke n d Brian Barker What do Apple, SS Great Britain, Titanic & the Wilmslow Guild Audio Visual Group have in common? The answer is my 5 year old grandson, Sebastian, and my first audio visual sequence produced on my iPad! His school had recently introduced him to the story of the Titanic and this has really caught his imagination. He knows who the captain was, the size of the iceberg and who starred in the latest movie! I recently spent a weekend in Bristol with my relatives and we visited the SS Great Britain, which, incidentally, is well worth a visit, snapping everything I saw on my iPhone. The ship was, of course, the first to have been built of iron and, therefore, the forerunner of the Titanic. That evening the photos all appeared miraculously on my iPad and I was then able to edit them in Photoshop for iPad. That is about as far as I would normally go in terms of doing anything with my photos but not this time. A few weeks before I had attended the Wilmslow Guild Audio Visual Group for the first time and this had inspired me to think differently. Firstly, I needed some assembly software. Good news as this was already in my iPad-iMovie. Very basic by Wilmslow Guild Audio Visual standards but it would provide me with all the core ingredients of an audio visual sequence. Transitions, titles, background music and the very new ingredient to me, a voice over. An hour or so later I had a script, thanks to Google, and after a couple of rehearsals I had recorded the voiceover. Done. I had a five minute sequence. All I needed was an audience. A couple of days later Seb, attracted by the notion of seeing photos of the first iron ship, sat still and watched the sequence without me having to hold him down! He enjoyed it! OK he only gave me five out of ten but, hey, that's a great result. Filled with new confidence, enthusiasm and determination to improve, I signed up for Wilmslow Guild Audio Visual Group Fiesta night and the following day for an all day workshop entitled 'Story telling with a camera'. Just what I was trying to do with my iPad sequence! The Fiesta evening showcased work done by a number of the club members. This was very inspirational, giving me an indication of the many skills that are needed to produce a high quality sequence. The workshop, which was led expertly by Suzanne and Howard Gregory, has given me a wonderful foundation from which to build regarding equipment, software, basic editing, script writing and, of course, a network of people who I can tap into with AV issues I have many ideas for projects and once I have acquired the right software and audio equipment I look forward to developing my new skills. In the meantime, I am tempted to redo my SS Great Britain sequence to see if I can get a higher score from Seb! Page 31