AV News Magazine | Page 34

AV News 200 - May 2015 Howard Gregory continues the story........ Brian was one of 22 people who booked on the 'Story-telling With Your Camera' full day workshop. About half those attending were new to AV and half had already made a few sequences - a stimulating mix. There was one video worker. Many of them had attended our annual public show, the Fiesta, the night before. Seven, including the video worker, brought examples of their work for open discussion. This was the first time that we'd included Attendees' Sequences in a workshop. It was well received, and will be included in future workshops. Everyone, not just the sequence producer, learns from the discussion. Pretty well everyone joined in the discussion too. Useful comments and questions came thick and fast. Such was the level of enthusiasm that we never properly stopped for lunch, and we over-ran by half an hour. We covered all aspects of AV making, but the emphasis this time was on production - the vital process of assembling the various parts into a cohesive whole that tells a story of some sort. Over the last few workshops we've put particular emphasis on audio, pictures and production respectively. At the next one, scheduled for Saturday 5th March 2016, we will again cover all aspects, but, by request, be looking in detail (listening in detail?) to audio again. We'll have a close look at which mics are most suitable for which task, how to make successful live recordings, starting with recording a voice-over, and then we'll have a look at editing, manipulating and mixing a soundtrack. Keep an eye on the 'Special Events' page of our website at www.wilmslowguildav.org.uk As this year, our public show will be on the previous (ie Friday) evening. A re T h e re A lie n s in Y o u r C o m p u te r? Howard Gregory Our main computer, used for AV etc, is strictly off-line. We have a separate cheap-and-cheerful laptop connected to the internet and used solely for e-mail and surfing. This