AV News Magazine | Page 21

AV News 200 - May 2015
I wanted to ' bookend ', or link , the first and last image . Almost all of the images were taken with a tripod during a dedicated photography trip to Glencoe and the Isle of Skye . I used a Nikon D300 and D700 and my iPhone 4 and spent a lot of time getting the composition just right . On some occasions this meant waiting for that interesting cloud to move to just where I wanted it .
I naively called V7 ' final ', but then spent some considerable time working on the last four slides .
These were : the bridge framing the view of the mountains ; then the tree appears under the bridge and then melts into the side of the honeycomb cliff at Elgol , that then finally melts to a ten stopper version of a similar view to the first slide .
All images were adjusted with Capture NX and only cropped to fit my ratio of choice 16:10 . I use this ratio ; as I know , when I take the photo , I will only have to slice a small amount off the top and bottom . I therefore compose the image with this in mind .
On an aside , about half of the images were taken with a camera with an APS-C size sensor , the others with a full frame sensor and one image was taken with my iPhone4 . No one can differentiate between them and , to date , no one has been able to pick out the iPhone4 image !
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