AV News Magazine | Page 22

AV News 200 - May 2015 'Iceland' Judges comments: "You don't go to sleep in this one! The music is very dramatic with a driving rhythm, well suited to the images, and the author has used it skilfully to power the sequence along. It really captures the power and majesty of the landscape. The snap changes are all precisely positioned on the beats, and although the changes are often very rapid the images are on long enough to appreciate without spoiling the effect. The Ken Burns effect of gently zooming most of the images is used almost imperceptibly and works well. The photography is first class, the mix of colour and mono works well and the transition between them is well handled. A swell in the music is used to move to the greener landscapes. The panning shot is not too long. The dissolves at the start and end of it are kept short, and as a result are visually acceptable. The inclusion of four vertical pictures is totally unnecessary both in format and content and really rather interrupts the flow. I would also question the incorporation of the five or so 'human' pictures as the cars, people and shopping centre are out of character with the rest of the images. Also several of the images are quite similar, so I would like to challenge the author to make a 5 minute version. The title is really a working title and a more dramatic one is called for. The title font is very ordinary for such a spectacular production." V1 of Iceland started with the music. I heard the bang, bang, bang of the music and thought of an Iceland waterfall - colour with a fast shutter, colour with a six stop and then with a mono version. By V5 it was spot on and it won 1st place at the 2015 NIPA AV Festival. It then went 'head to head' with the winner of the Irish Photographic Federation AV Championship and won. I was encouraged to enter the '5 to 8' but, the closing date for entries was the next day. In my haste, I made a number of silly and basic mistakes in creating V6. In V1; I had included four of my favourite images from the trip, in particular a horse with a blue eye. But these were in portrait format and they 'jarred' when going for a photo harmony approach - so I removed them. V5 only lasted 4 minutes, so I extended the music and added some of my favourite portrait images. Big mistake! The judge, quite rightly, picked up on this. This highlights a most important point. Your favourite images have your emotion and that does not mean they work! Page 20