AV News Magazine | Page 20

AV News 200 - May 2015 S c o tlan d Mark Allen Judges comments: Malcolm Imhoff FRPS FACI(M) "You know when you see the first picture that this is going to be special. The photography throughout is stunning. The Ken Burns effect of gently zooming every image helps keep the momentum going. The 'Adagio' from the film 'Sunshine' is a wonderful piece and the drama of the music complements the drama of the landscapes completely. Maybe the author should warn the projectionist to keep the volume down during the relatively quiet beginning otherwise the audience will get blown away! The images and transitions are totally in sync with the music. Here is somebody who listens to and knows his music. There is perfect harmony between successive images, shapes, colours, with not a single jarring line or horizon. Great care has been taken constructing this sequence, helped by the fact that the author no doubt has a large number of first class pictures from which to choose. The whole thing builds and develops. Swells in the music are used to highlight the close ups of rocks, barnacles and ice fragments. The percussion is used to show the railway section. When I saw the classic image of the Cuillins from Elgol I thought "this is the end", but the final picture was even better. It's clear from the filename (v9) that this has undergone a lengthy period of revision, honing and pruning, so that what we see today is powerful, passionate and intense. This is a good lesson, not to be satisfied with the first attempt. The only criticism I have is that the title is what I would call a 'working title'. Such a dramatic presentation needs a dramatic title, 'The drama of the Highlands' or 'Elemental landscape', 'Wild Scotland', 'Untamed wilderness'..." I am an amateur photographer; I do not hold any photographic distinctions or do any commercial work. I'm retired and, for me, both photography and creating slideshows are a merely a most enjoyable hobby. The ‘Scotland’ sequence was two years in the making and, as alluded to by Malcolm, was at version 9. I had plenty of pictures to choose from and the multiple versions were all about getting the colours of the images to flow, ‘just so’, but also exactly match the music. It was great to read Malcolm's feedback and realise that his expert eye identified the many nuances I had included. The latest version of PicturesToExe allowed me to increase, or decrease, the sound envelope - to draw attention to certain slides. I'm dyslexic, so I work slightly differently to my fellow AV workers (so I'm told.) For me, the music must come first. One evening; while driving and listening to Classic FM 'at the movies' I first heard the 'Adagio' from the film 'Sunshine'. I immediately said to myself - 'Scotland' - and version 1 was created. Page 18