AV News Magazine | Page 14

AV News 200 - May 2015

Ar o und T h e Cl ub s

K aleido sc op e
Joan Horne
Saturday 14th March was Kaleidoscope , the East Midland AV Group and Leicester MovieMakers combined annual Show .
What a successful Show . For the second time , Leicester MovieMakers joined with the East Midland AV Group to provided a polished performance for the 60 + audience . There was something new for everyone and an exchange of ideas too . The demarcation between both groups is disappearing fast .
Both groups use still and moving images to add impact . The quality of video is equal to the still image . Both groups have similar ways of enticing their members to produce work . These include using a common theme , one minute production and / or a piece of unedited commercial recording .
Malcolm Imhoff led the proceedings , giving an excellent introduction to a few presentations at a time . The whole event left everyone inspired . This is certain to become a fixture in both groups calendars .
23 rd East A nglian A V C om p etitio n
Page 12
Jenny Gee DPAGB & Malcolm Gee ARPS DPAGB
“ At the first East Anglian Audio Visual Competition , back in 1993 , no one envisaged that 23 years later it would still be going strong ”; these were the opening remarks from Dick Williams , Chairman of the Essex AV Group which organised the event . On Saturday 21st March 2015 it was cold and dull , with a strong , and what we here in East Anglia call a ' lazy ' wind ( one that goes straight through you ), so for once the weather was more conducive to being inside all day ! About sixty AV enthusiasts , from the East Anglian , Kent , Chilterns , Surrey , Southern and Western Counties regions , gathered in Margaretting Village Hall , near Chelmsford in Essex to watch the 41 submissions , which were judged by Linda Gibbs MPAGB AV-AFIAP and Edgar Gibbs FRPS MPAGB AV-AFIAP . Between them , this husband and wife team have a wealth of experience in all the elements of AV production , and have won awards , and judged both national and international competitions .
There was a good variety of subject matter , with some innovative and thought provoking ideas . This year interpretation of a song or poem seemed to be popular , and there was a good sprinkling of humorous sequences - not easy to do ! AV ' s on topics associated with WW1 or WW2 also featured strongly , and there were several with a transport theme , from skate boards and mountain bikes to fast cars , a railway station , a 100-year old monorail and the Stockholm underground .
Once again the organising committee arranged a fish and chip supper for those who had booked it , and the Prize Giving and Gala Show followed in the evening . Sequences that had won awards were shown again , in groups or individually