AV News Magazine | Page 13

AV News 200 - May 2015 As the comments are linked to the slides, you can adjust the position of the slides and the comments will move with them. Remember that any unlinked audio clips to the right of the one that moves will also move. The position of the comment with respect to the slide can be adjusted by dragging the audio clip. When you are happy with timing, add the background music to Track 2. Either use volume envelope to lower the background music during the comments or lower the volume of the whole track so it does not overpower the commentary as described in 'dynamic range reduction' Figure 4 shows the final result for the first two slides. Advanced features A few of the more advanced audio features of PTE are covered briefly below. You will probably discover others for yourself. The colours used for the graphical display of audio clips on the timeline can be customised. Select Preferences and then the Timeline tab and look at the section called 'Color of audio clip'. One useful change is to make the colour of a selected wave a slightly darker shade of green. Tracks can be locked by right-clicking the track in the timeline view and selecting 'Lock Track'. Audio clips in locked tracks cannot be moved. However if they are linked to a slide they will move if the slide is moved. On the Audio tab of Project Options at the bottom right is an option 'Convert tracks to mp3 for exe'. If this is checked, all audio files will be incorporated in the exe file as a single mp3 format file, irrespective of the original format. This keeps the size of the exe file down if you have included any wav files in the sequence. When dragging audio keypoints on the timeline, the volume indication can be shown in dB rather than %. The choice is made in the 'Sound volume' combo box on the Timeline tab of Preferences. Page 11