AV News Magazine | Page 42

AV News 201 - August 2015 Events Diary S e e w w w .a v n e w s .o rg .u k fo r m o re d e ta ils & F u ll C a le n d a r Date Event Sept 4-6 Location RPS Nationals Stafford University Closing Date 28th July See Page 24 Oct 3 CEMRIAC AV Comp Judge Alastair Taylor Oct 10 Northern AV Group Speakers Howard Suzanne Gregory Smethwick PS, Oldbury, B69 2AS Snods Edge, DH8 9TJ & See Page 11 Contact Richard Brown Geoffrey Darling Oct IPF Championships 17-18 See Page 8 Clondalkin, Dublin 22, Lilian Webb Ireland Oct 31 RPS Multimedia Distinctions Day Bath Nov 14 KCPA AV Competition Hailsham Civic Judge: Community Hall Gerald Kityakara Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, BN27 2AX [email protected] Lynette Benton See Page 24 Nov 15 Great Yorkshire AV Day Leeds Trinity University Bryan Stubbs See Page 14 Dec 4-6 21st Great Northern Closing Date 1st Nov Dec 18 International Year of South Africa Light See Page 25 Closing Date 1st Nov 2016 IAC Peter Coles Mar International 12-13 Closing Date 1st Feb Hough End Centre, Manchester Capel Curig North Wales 2016 PECC International Port Elizabeth Mar Closing Date 15th Mar South Africa 19-21 See Page 25 Tel: rps.org/navc www.gnfestival.org.uk See Inside Cover Jeff Morris Marion Waine Roel van Oudheusden After 7 years of editing the Magazine Jill and John will be standing down at the AGM in September F o r th e M a g a z in e to c o n tin u e w e n e e d s o m e o n e to ta k e o v e r T h a t s o m e o n e c o u ld b e Y O U Please continue to send in your adverts/articles/reports We will continue to update the website & AV Links Page 40