P u b lic a tio n In fo rm a tio n
The AV News is published by the AV Group of the Royal Photographic Society
quarterly. It is distributed free to members and is available to others for an annual
subscription of £22 in the UK, £25 in Europe and £27 elsewhere.
Copy Deadlines
Publication Dates
23rd September
24th December
24th March
23rd June
1st November
1st February
1st May
1st August
Please note that the copy deadlines are the absolute latest, to ensure publication
in the next issue please send details as early as possible.
Any items concerning Audio Visual are welcome, including reviews, technical
details, events, photographs, letters and queries. All contributions should be
submitted to - The Editors.
The views expressed are those solely of the contributor and not necessarily
those of either the Editors or the AV Group.
Distribution. The AV News is forwarded to RPS AV Group members using the
labels produced by the RPS Membership Department in Bath. Any member not
receiving their copy should contact Bath. However, the Secretary will be pleased
to post single copies to those members who have failed to receive them.
Copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without
the prior permission of the copyright holder.
Printed By Mensa Printers, Arundel Lane, Sheffield
Editors: Jill K. Bunting CPAGB and John Smith APAGB CPAGB
Website: www.avnews.org.uk
Membership is open to all interested in
photography whatever their nationality.
Annual Subscriptions
Standard £111
Overseas (under 65s) £99
25 & under £52.80
Disabled £52.80
Family £162
65 & over £82.20
Student £52.80
OR CALL 01225 325733