AV News Magazine | Page 14

AV News 201 - August 2015 W C PF AV Day Ann Owens As has now become the norm for a Western Counties Photographic Federation event - the day was bright and sunny in Clyst St Mary, Exeter! Not ideal photographic weather, perhaps - but neither was it conducive to sitting in a darkened room all day! Ah well - "whatever", as the kids say! Very ably organised this year, by Alan Boothman and Sheila Haycox, both experienced AV workers, the whole event ran on oiled wheels. These two must have something right when they made a few changes to the event, as the entry had increased. Notably, these changes were to include the new Photo Harmony, category, as instigated by both the RPS and the PAGB - and to simplify the dreaded Music Copyright requirements! Yes - a Music Licence was still needed! Future entrants are urged to check the website to see what's needed to comply. Thirty-three sequences were viewed throughout the day by some 60 attendees. Storyboards featured the very emotive ‘AZ’ by Robert Albright, which still brings a lump to my throat, even though I've now seen it a few times. No stranger to top honours Nationally and Internationally, this was the winning sequence, which also got the Audience Vote! All the winners from Saturday 11th April are shown on the following page. I'm sure this will be of interest - and full details including photographs are on the WCPF website at http://www.wcpf.org.uk/pages/wcpf-av-2015.php The Short 3:21 Category winner, which was just 1'55" long, demonstrated the value of a short, very well produced AV. Crafted by Pam Sherren of Paignton Camera Club, it was so emotive, with some wonderfully blended images. The new Photo Harmony category was won by Jane and Stephen Lee of Dorchester Camera Club, who had the honour of winning the new trophy for this event, which is theirs to keep! Also in this popular category, were some stunningly beautiful sequences showing the mastery needed to weave top-notch images with appropriate music. In fact, this was a point made on several occasions by the judges, husband and wife team of Joan Ryder Rathband and Clive Rathband. It is not simply a case of collecting surplus images from a photo shoot, and putting them together with music. Often, Joan said, images let a sequence down because they had not been properly processed, and the music had either not been carefully considered - or had not been carefully listened to! So - CARE is the watchword! This couldn't be emphasised enough. Get to know and 'feel' the music and then think about the transitions to suit controlling fades - or making snap cuts where appropriate. A 'watermark' image is also important, especially when 'wrong' format need to be used. With an underlying desaturated or diffused background image, very often this disparity in sizes is then less obvious. Page 12