Autobiograpy Of Gnani Purush A.M.Patel Autobiograpy Of Gnani Purush A.M.Patel | Página 48
I had instructed my family that if anyone were to come to
our home asking for something, they should give it and if they
returned whatever they took, that was fine but the family
members were never to ask them to return it. Even if they had
to give a hundred times over, they should still not ask for it to
be returned. If that person returned what he had borrowed,
they should accept it. The worldly interactions of the vaniks are
beautiful, they will never complain whether you send them a
large piece of halva one time and a half the next time. And even
if you do not send anything, they will never complain. I could
afford to interact with such people. How can you interact with
anyone who complains and grumbles?
A man once asked me to hire a vanik accountant because
he knew of my partiality towards them. I told the man he was
welcome to work for me. I had many workers in my factory
and he was a vanik on top of that! I always used to keep vaniks
by my side.
All This I did For Feeding False Pride
When I lived on Mamani Poda in Baroda, every day
there would be two or three cars parked in front of my house
when I lived in. Mamani Poda had a reputation of being a
residential area for many prestigious and cultured people. Not
many people lived in bungalows fifty years ago. And Mamani
Poda was the place to be. When ordinarily the rent was seven
rupees, we paid fifteen! I used to live in Mamani Poda and I
was a reputable contractor. To my home in Mamani Poda,
would come men who lived in bungalows! They would come in
their fancy cars. Why? Because they were in a lot of trouble
and they would come to me for help. They would indulge in
distortion and unethical business practices and when they got
caught and became trapped, they would drive to Mamani Poda.
Somehow or other I would help them find ‘back door’ solutions.