Autism Research Report Autism Research Project Final | Page 20

It’s not easy one families financially and emotionally to deal with the autistic member of the family. No matter how severe might be the condition one has to take extra efforts to help that individual. Donations made by generous donors are directed towards the autistic people, their parents or their families to help them lead lives they choose. The more people donate the more help is engaged towards understanding, supporting and appreciating autistic people and their needs. Based on statistic last year because of the generous donations by people: • 2,583 families attended a EarlyBird course to find out more about autism after their child was diagnosed. • Millions of people visited their new mobile-friendly website. • 20,000 people received local support. • More than 2,000 people supported through their schools and services. • 1,63,000 hours of community support delivered. • 369 autistic adults supported in residential care or supported living services. • Two centres opened in mainstream schools. • 7,000 people fed into research for our Too Much Information campaign. • Five of the six main parties in Whales committed to an Autism Act. • 11,000 professionals were trained. • “Feltham Young Offender Institution” became the first prison to get autism- accredited. • 235,395 pounds were raised in World Autism Awareness Week 2015. • 2,000 volunteers participated in their largest ever London Marathon team.