Australian Doctor Australian Doctor 7th September 2018 | Page 4

Pharmacist owners no good for GPs


7 SEPTEMBER 2018 australiandoctor . com . au

Concern over gene test reading

Kemal Atlay GENETIC specialists are concerned
that MBS funding for genetic tests for
patients at high risk of breast and ovarian
cancer may lead to patients being
falsely reassured by negative results .
Associate Professor Judy Kirk ,
head of the Familial Cancer Service at
Sydney ’ s Westmead Hospital is worried
that specialists who do not have
appropriate training or genetic counselling
experience are able to order
genetic tests for BRCA1 and BRCA2
mutations .
The tests have been MBS-funded since last November .
Genetic testing was conventionally offered through family cancer clinics and genetics services that were wellequipped to provide expert counselling and test interpretation , Professor Kirk and colleagues wrote in the Medical Journal of Australia .
“[ These ] tests are now being mainstreamed and they can be ordered for selected patients , with a new Medicare benefit , by non-genetic specialists in either public or private practice .”
They said the Medicare-funded test item 73296 was only appropriate if the person being tested had at least a 10 % chance of a pathogenic mutation being i d e n t i fi e d .
A positive result indicated that other adult at-risk relatives could be tested for the family-specific BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation .
However , a negative result or a result of “ no mutation found ” could lead to problems because it did not necessarily mean there was no risk . “ When a mutation is not found
using the initial mutation search in
an affected family member , this negative
result is not truly negative , but
rather is uninformative ,” they wrote .
Careful counselling was crucial
so that families , as well as their clinicians
, were not “ falsely reassured ”
by such a result .
The authors recommended that
non-genetic specialists “ receive
appropriate education and support
to enable safe , evidence-based
practice ”. MJA 2018 ; 209:193-96 .

For COPD maintenance , choose the Respimat ® product family 1 – 3

LABA , long-acting β 2-adrenergic agonist ; LAMA , long-acting muscarinic antagonist .
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SPIRIVA Respimat PBS Information : Restricted benefit . Bronchospasm and dyspnoea associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease .
SPIOLTO Respimat PBS Information : Authority required ( STREAMLINED ). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ). Refer to PBS schedule for full authority information .
Please review Product Information before prescribing . Full Product Information is available at www . boehringer-ingelheim . com . au / PI . Further information is available from Boehringer Ingelheim Pty Ltd .
MINIMUM PRODUCT INFORMATION ( COMBINED – COPD ). SPIRIVA ® RESPIMAT ® ( tiotropium bromide ) solution for inhalation 2.5 microgram / actuation and SPIOLTO ® RESPIMAT ® [ tiotropium ( as bromide monohydrate )/ olodaterol ( as hydrochloride )] solution for inhalation 2.5 micrograms / 2.5 micrograms . INDICATIONS : SPIRIVA RESPIMAT : Long term maintenance treatment of bronchospasm and dyspnoea associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ). Prevention of COPD exacerbations . SPIOLTO RESPIMAT : Once-daily maintenance bronchodilator treatment to relieve symptoms in adult patients with COPD . CONTRAINDICATIONS : SPIRIVA RESPIMAT and SPIOLTO RESPIMAT : Hypersensitivity to tiotropium bromide , olodaterol ( SPIOLTO only ), atropine or its derivatives , or to any of the excipients . PRECAUTIONS : SPIRIVA RESPIMAT and SPIOLTO RESPIMAT : Should not be used : more frequently than once daily ; for relief of acute symptoms , treatment of acute episodes of bronchospasm , immediate hypersensitivity reactions , paradoxical bronchospasm , narrowangle glaucoma , prostatic hyperplasia , bladder neck obstruction , urinary retention , micturition difficulties , recent myocardial infarction (< 6 months for SPIRIVA , < 12 months for SPIOLTO ), unstable or life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia within past year , hospitalisation for heart failure within past year , moderate to severe renal impairment ( CrCL ≤ 50 mL / min ), pregnancy , lactation and children . Avoid solution or mist entering eyes . SPIRIVA RESPIMAT : Should not be used for : first-line treatment for asthma , dry mouth . SPIOLTO RESPIMAT : Should not be used : in treatment of asthma ( LABAs may increase the risk of asthma-related hospitalisations and death ); initiated in acutely deteriorating COPD , severe hepatic impairment , convulsive disorders , thyrotoxicosis , QT interval prolongation , unusual responsiveness to sympathomimetic amines ; increases in pulse rate , blood pressure and / or symptoms of clinically significant cardiovascular effect , paroxysmal tachycardia (> 100 beats per minute ), hypokalaemia , hyperglycaemia . INTERACTIONS : SPIRIVA RESPIMAT and SPIOLTO RESPIMAT : Co-administration with anticholinergic drugs . SPIOLTO RESPIMAT : Co-administration with adrenergic agents , xanthine derivatives , steroids , non-potassium sparing diuretics , beta-blockers , MAO inhibitors , tricyclic antidepressants , QTc interval prolonging drugs , LAMAs , LABAs . ADVERSE EFFECTS : SPIRIVA RESPIMAT : Common : Dry mouth , usually mild . SPIOLTO RESPIMAT : Very common : nasopharyngitis . Common : pneumonia , bronchitis , influenza , urinary tract infection , sinusitis , cough , dyspnoea , back pain , dry mouth . Others , see full PI . DOSAGE : SPIRIVA RESPIMAT : For oral inhalation . 5 μg tiotropium given as two puffs once daily , at the same time each day . SPIOLTO RESPIMAT : For oral inhalation . 5 μg tiotropium and 5 μg olodaterol given as two puffs once daily , at the same time each day . Do not exceed recommended dose . Cartridges to be used only with RESPIMAT inhaler . January 2017 . References : 1 . SPIRIVA Respimat approved Product Information ( 30 April 2018 ). 2 . SPIOLTO Respimat approved Product Information ( 10 June 2015 ). 3 . Lung Foundation Australia . Stepwise management of stable COPD ( August 2017 ). ® Registered trademark . Boehringer Ingelheim Pty Ltd . ABN 52 000 452 308 . 78 Waterloo Road , North Ryde , NSW 2113 . AUS / SPRES-181398 . McCann Health BOCO14789M _ AD . SEPTEMBER 2018 .
Pharmacist owners no good for GPs
Antony Scholefield PHARMACISTS who own GP clinics risk undermining patient care by contracting doctors who write more scripts so they can generate bigger dispensing profits , a federal productivity commissioner says .
There has been longstanding bewilderment that pharmacists can own GP clinics , while GPs are effectively banned from owning pharmacies .
Dr Stephen King ( PhD ), who led the Federal Government ’ s review of pharmacy regulation , says it ’ s wrong for dispensers to unduly profit from prescribers .
“ As an economist , my immediate reaction is that if you can stop poor incentives from existing , then it is probably a good idea to do that , rather than allow there to be poor incentives and just hope professionalism avoids people following that path ,” Dr King told a Queensland parliamentary inquiry last month .
Dr King stressed that the ban on anyone but pharmacists owning pharmacies had merit , but the rules were failing in practice , because many pharmacists own businesses they never attended .
“ At a large number of chemists , I would often ask , ‘ Who are the proprietors ? How often do you see them ?’
“ An answer of ‘ never ’ or ‘ perhaps once every three months ’ was fairly common .”
While compiling his review of the pharmacy industry , Dr King said he met a pharmacist in Melbourne who owned pharmacies across Queensland and WA , which he visited once a year on a “ road trip ”.
“ I will not call it gaming of the pharmacy ownership rules , but certainly playing the rules as best as possible for the owner .”