Australian Doctor 10th May issue 2024 | Page 8



10 MAY 2024 ausdoc . com . au

Paxlovid not for low risk : study

high risk for severe COVID-19 has not been established ,” the investigators
“ relatively late ” in the disease course and that just 5 % of the cohort were
group compared with 13 days for placebo users .
no better than placebo for resolv-
concluded .
people aged 65 and over .
Similar results were seen when
ing symptoms in patients who are at
Infectious diseases physician Pro-
The international study compared
comparing high-risk and standard-risk
low risk for severe COVID-19 , suggest
fessor Allen Cheng told Australian
outcomes in 1300 patients ( mean age
patients . Although half as many
results from a Pfizer-funded study .
Doctor that the findings “ support our
42 ) at “ standard risk ” for severe dis-
patients given Paxlovid were hospi-
The phase II / III trial showed no
current policy of not giving [ Paxlovid ]
ease who received either Paxlovid or
talised for COVID-19 or died of any
significant difference between nir-
to lower-risk people with COVID-19 ”.
placebo within five days of testing
cause , the difference was not statisti-
matrelvir – ritonavir ( Paxlovid ) and
“ But it does not inform what we
positive for SARS-CoV-2 .
cally significant .
placebo for time to symptom alle-
should do for higher-risk patients who
About 57 % were vaccinated , and
Rates of adverse events were sim-
viation in patients with confirmed
are currently eligible for treatment .”
half had at least one risk factor for
ilar between treatment groups , with
Professor Allen Cheng .
COVID-19 . “ The usefulness of nirmatrelvir – ritonavir in patients who are not at
Professor Cheng , who was not involved in the study , added that Paxlovid was given to trial participants
severe illness . The researchers found that the mean time to symptom alleviation was 12 days in the Paxlovid
dysgeusia , diarrhoea and nausea the most frequently reported . N Engl J Med 2024 ; 3 Apr .


* Repatha ® is indicated for the prevention of CV events ( MI , stroke and coronary revascularisation ) in adults with established CV disease in combination with an optimally dosed statin and / or other lipid-lowering therapies , as an adjunct to diet and exercise . 1
‘ Power ’: 15 % relative risk reduction with Repatha ® vs placebo in the composite of the primary endpoint beyond optimised statin ± ezetimibe ( HR : 0.85 ; 95 % CI : 0.79 – 0.92 , p < 0.001 ). 2
PBS Information : Authority Required . Non-familial and familial hypercholesterolaemia . Criteria apply for certain patient populations . Refer to PBS Schedule for full Authority Required Information .
Refer to full Product Information before prescribing ; available from Amgen Australia Pty Ltd , Ph : 1800 803 638 or by scanning the QR code : For more information on Repatha ® or to report an adverse event or product complaint involving Repatha ® , please contact Amgen Medical Information on 1800 803 638 or visit www . amgenmedinfo . com . au .
Precautions : Hypersensitivity reactions . Concomitant lipid lowering therapies – check all relevant prescribing information . Effects of long-term very low LDL-C levels are unknown . Immunogenic potential . Pregnancy Category : B1 . Caution – breastfeeding . Adverse Reactions : Common – nasopharyngitis , upper respiratory tract infection , influenza , back pain , arthralgia , nausea , rash , and injection site reactions ( including injection site pain , erythema , bruising , swelling or haemorrhage ).
Abbreviations : CI , confidence interval ; CV , cardiovascular ; HR , hazard ratio ; MI , myocardial infarction ; PBS , Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme . References : 1 . Repatha ® ( evolocumab ) product information . 2 . Sabatine MS , et al . N Engl J Med 2017 ; 376:1713 – 1722 .
Amgen Australia Pty Ltd . ABN 31 051 057 428 , Sydney NSW 2000 . © 2024 Amgen Inc . All rights reserved . AUS-145-0124-80028 . AMG8657 . Date of preparation : February 2024
* 1 , 2


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Corporate could sell for $ 1bn

Antony Scholefield THE GP corporate once known as Primary Health Care could be changing hands yet again — reportedly for $ 1 billion .
The clinic group established by Dr Ed Bateman back in 1986 was rebranded as Healius in 2018 and then sold to private equity investor BGH Capital in 2020 for around $ 500 million .
The 70-odd practices now operate under the name For- Health , contracting more than 1300 health practitioners across general practice , skin cancer , women ’ s health , occupational health and travel health clinics .
Last month , The Australian reported that BGH Capital could sell ForHealth to an overseas investor for up to $ 1 billion .
It claimed that BGH Capital had considered listing ForHealth on the ASX but now planned to sell it for a potentially huge profit .
The clinics have changed significantly since the Primary Health Care days , when they were synonymous with universal bulk-billing .
Over the past few years , some of the clinics have made the switch to private billing , while ForHealth has also been a key player in the Federal Government ’ s urgent care clinic plan .
It operates around 20 of the 58 urgent care clinics .
While the value of the urgent care clinic contracts is commercial-in-confidence , for context , the total Federal Government funding for the 58 urgent care clinics is around $ 360 million over five years .
Aside from ForHealth , BGH Capital owns a diverse group of companies , including IVF provider Virtus Health , cinema and theme park company Village Roadshow , bakery chain Laurent and chicken company Hazeldene ’ s .
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