Australian Doctor 10th May issue 2024 | Page 9

ausdoc . com . au 10 MAY 2024


Alarm over stop-napping directive

Carmel Sparke HOSPITAL bosses have apol-
said “ dirty linen ” had been removed from a quiet room to
returned to this area , further action will be taken .”
sending out emails like these , it is better to work with doc-
spirit of the award , but since COVID-19 , he felt administrators
ogised after ordering doc-
prevent any future sleeping ,
Numerous doctors con-
tors-in-training to manage their
had come under more staffing
tors-in-training to stop napping
with security tasked with mon-
tacted AMA NSW , which alerted
fatigue and support their well-
pressures and were “ squeezing ”
on night shifts .
itoring any further abuse .
the local health district .
being ,” he said .
doctors in response .
Executives from Manning
“ It has been brought to our
Dr Sanjay Hettige , co-chair
“ They will have happier , bet-
Hunter New England Local
Hospital in Taree , NSW , sent a
attention by security that this
of the AMA NSW Doctors-
ter-functioning employees who
Health District said the Man-
stern email last month inform-
room is being used at night for
in-Training Committee , said
deliver better patient care .”
ning medical administration
ing doctors that they should be
sleeping ,” the directive said .
the issue appeared to be a “ wor-
He stressed that the doc-
had apologised to the doctors .
helping out in ED or in other
“ Under no circumstance is
rying trend ” following a similar
tors-in-training award allowed
“ All staff are encouraged to
wards should they find them-
this room to be used as such .
incident at Hornsby Ku-ring-gai
doctors to rest during lulls in
use the designated rest areas to
selves with no further duties overnight .
As part of the response , it
Sleeping is not part of your job description .
“ If bedding is found to be
Hospital in 2022 . “ I hope hospital administrators now realise that , instead of
patient care if there were no tasks fitting the job description .
Most hospitals observed the
take meal , rest or sleep breaks as required while ensuring patient care is a priority ,” it said .
Dr Sanjay Hettige .

Guilty plea for selling body parts

AAP THE wife of a former morgue
manager has pleaded guilty to
shipping stolen human body
parts — including hands and
heads — to a network of buyers
across the US .
Prosecutors accused
Denise Lodge of negotiating
online sales of numerous
items , including two dozen
hands , two feet , nine spines ,
portions of skulls , five dissected
human faces and two
dissected heads .
The dissected cadavers ,
which had originally been
donated to Harvard Medical
School for research , were
taken between 2018 and early
2023 without the school ’ s
knowledge or permission .
One of the buyers , who
owned a store called Kat ’ s
Creepy Creations , allegedly
paid US $ 600 ($ 937 ) for two
desiccated faces .
Another allegedly sent Ms
Lodge US $ 200 ($ 312 ) with a
memo that read “ braiiiiiins ”.
And there was also a payment
of US $ 1000 ($ 1562 ) for
“ head number 7 ”.
Federal prosecutors originally
announced they were
charging Ms Lodge last
year , along with her husband
, Cedric Lodge , and five
other people they said were
involved in the trade .
Ms Lodge ’ s lawyer said
in a recent interview that
Ms Lodge ’ s husband was
orchestrating the business
and she “ just kind of went
along with it ”.
The lawyer added that
“ what happened here is
wrong ” but no-one lost
money and the matter was
“ more of a moral and ethical
dilemma … than a criminal
case ”.
Bodies donated to the
school are used for education
, teaching or research
purposes . Once they are no
longer needed , the cadavers
are usually cremated and
the ashes are returned to
the donor ’ s family or buried
in a cemetery .
AU-19408 _ MORT _ 002271-Breztri 2024 Ads-Breathe More Life _ MR _ A4 _ 210mmX273mm _ v1 _ 01 _ FA-OL . indd 1 17 / 4 / 2024 2:37 PM