The Wheel of Fortune
As Seen from an Intuitive Perspective
By: Brad J Tesh
Ahhh The Wheel of Fortune, the card has a rather intriguing name doesn't it? “Wheel” and “Fortune” in the name. Lets explore that just a bit. What exactly does a Wheel do? Well it turns of course, it moves, circles and cycles. It sometimes may even sit still in motion but a wheels main function is to move and to propel in a cycle of motion. Now lets look at the word “Fortune”. A fortune to a gypsy represents that which is in the future, that could come to fruition. Broken down the word and card could also be seen as “For - Tune” or that which can be “tuned” or is specifically “for tuning”. Looked at this way, might a fortune be an aspect of our desires that is able to be tuned, as we move through life itself?
If we look at our fortunes or futures as where all infinite possibility exists and creative ideas can take form, we find a sense of wonder and movement. Think about the word ”tune “for a minute, when we tune something, like a musical instrument to sound right or play better, we are working with bringing out the best in the instrument and the sound. A note a singer is singing, can be tuned to sound more on pitch or in the right key. A tune itself could be a song that has a natural rhythm to it and melodic flow. When we “tune” certain things we find the right balance,