Dear Wendy,
I find myself about to cross a bridge when I realize most of it has collapsed and is now submerged. Boat-loads of people also seem to be in a dangerous situation. One small round boat is absolutely packed with people. They are heading directly towards the bridge as if on collision course because the bridge has not sunk to the bottom of the estuary (I think the sea is further on). Suddenly I am aware of a huge horse’s head to my left. The horse nudges me back to safety. LS
Dear LS,
This is an anxiety dream caused by a catastrophe in the past in which you had a lucky escape and were saved at the last moment from disaster. When a similar threat arises, your mind works overtime, even throughout the night, to anticipate a similar outcome. Water usually represents emotions and other people were involved in this difficulty when emotions seemed to run high though the sea was further on, so greater levels of emotion were possible but out of sight at the time. Crossing a bridge from one situation to another is always fraught with danger as we move from one known to the unknown across a temporary structure. Yours is tentative and in danger of letting you down. Your horse is a saving grace. If you are right handed, you might be saved through creativity or through the least expected method of rescue.
Wendy can interpret your dream. Please describe the dream in as much detail as possible, your emotions and any colours or words spoken. Send your dream to our editor, Mary Nale.
Dream On Dreams by Wendy Stokes