Dear Wendy,
My father is elderly and in poor health. I had a dream that he wanted me to take him to work in my car. We were in the car park and unable to leave due to an exit barrier. Though it was difficult, I lifted the barrier and eventually managed to take him to work, even though it made me late for work myself. Later, I could not find where I had parked the car. KP
Dear KP,
This dream expresses your loving devotion towards your father. You have helped him to function and keep independent, even though it has been inconvenient at times. As his dependency increases, it will become more difficult for you to find ways to continue to get somewhere with him. Do not be confused or upset but find some extra assistance for yourself. You might need to put some aspects of your life on hold. This is a decision only you can make.
Meditate on his gratitude for your efforts to ensure his wellbeing and welfare.
Use the affirmation: There is an answer to every problem.
Dear Wendy,
I dreamt lost my handbag with a great deal of money inside. I was panicking and someone said impatiently "Hurry up!" The some friends said "Come to France with us". I had no money but they didn't realize this. GG
Dear GG,
We dream we have lost our valuables when we have received a shock of some kind, such as loss of job, a divorce, bereavement, an illness, or other change of circumstances that have reduced the quality of our life. In your dream, another person is impatient about with you adding to the stress. Though you have good friends who want to take you away from your distress, they do not understand how they can help at the moment. Try to explain how you feel so your friends and family can be more understanding. Use the affirmations: I can cope with this transition.