the right equilibrium. Looking at life we can draw a correlation here to how we may want to look at our fortunes or futures. In essence they are “For Tuning”. Now with the motion of life being our wheel, we turn, we move and we groove! We typically are not stagnant in life - at least not for long. Newness and adventure are eminent. Change is around every corner with its twists and turns, within the Wheel of Life and The Wheel of Fortune. In this card the color blue is very prevalent, blue is a spiritual color and one that is associated with intuition and spirituality. Blue is calming in a way, it reminds us of our esoteric semblances.
Looking at the wheel of fortune, we see clouds encasing the landscape of the card. Intuitively clouds represent air and spirit - the qualities which are effervescent and ethereal in our human nature. Clouds float, they form, change shape and are in a state of movement.
As such we can view this card as a card of change, as our everyday life moves, newness is around each twist and turn.Situations around us morph into new experiences. Change is almost one of the only constants in life, and almost unavoidable. Looking at the Wheel and the clouds, change is a strong element often associated with this card.
Turning one's attention to the figures of the card themselves a lot can be noted and seen. At the top a sphinx or guardian of such is sitting with a sword He or she seems a fixed at the top of the wheel. The stance a solid one and the gaze deep. This figure perhaps is linked to the ancient Egyptians as a power symbol , situated in stone with the body of a lion and head of a man or hawk. A correlation can be drawn here, as we deepen our