Attune Magazine October 2013 October 2013 | Page 106

With the Chariot, the focus is on home, family, and personal relationships. It is important to pay attention to the day to day of life, make informed decisions, and take decisive actions. This is where the Seeker brings balance to his/her emotional and intellectual selves, and where we see the union of our Higher Self and our Spiritual Self.

The path that a 16/7 individual walks is that of addressing how they express issues of control in their life, and how they bring a sense of balance to it. The Tower blasts away at the structures in its environment, and often insists on charging ahead quickly. The Chariot carrier a gentler quality, seeking to balance life by maintaining control of impulses and actions. The end result is still change, but change that is brought about by informed decision making and informed actions.

How can a 16/7 individual empower themselves? What do they gain by empowering themselves? In empowering ourselves, we set the conditions so that we can:

1.Find our unique voice … who we are as individuals.

2.Take charge of making our own decisions … not allowing other people’s wants/wishes/needs to over-ride our own.

3.Understand why we are dissatisfied with our lives, and determine what will give us a feeling of satisfaction.

4.Take control of our life … make the impact that we wish to make on the world.

5.Integrate ourselves within our local and global communities.

6.Be proud to be the person behind the mechanics of our own lives.

7.Know that we have the power to manifest in our own lives … in any area that we wish to manifest in.

8.Make life transitions easily.

For a 16/7 individual to empower themselves, they need to look at the control issues in their life. Do they feel controlled by others? Are they attempting to control others? Are they afraid of change? Are they refusing to release belief systems and structures that they themselves placed in their life? The answer to these question will start them on the road to empowerment! Be open to your insights, and act on them!