Attune Magazine October 2013 October 2013 | Page 107

For a 16/7 individual to empower themselves, they need to look at the control issues in their life. Do they feel controlled by others? Are they attempting to control others? Are they afraid of change? Are they refusing to release belief systems and structures that they themselves placed in their life? The answer to these question will start them on the road to empowerment! Be open to your insights, and act on them!

Birth Card Pairs will give us many clues about how we are living our life, why certain things/people/issues are there, and what energies we can call on to bring our lives back into balance, But this goes further … apply this information to family members, significant others, co-workers and business associates, and you will begin to see why they operate the way they do, what is important to them, and how you can have a better relationship with them.

The Tarot School -

Images from Karyn Easton’s “Tarot Lovers’ Tarot” -

© August 2013 Bonnie Cehovet