The Tower:
astrological sign: Mars
keywords: spiritual awakening, sudden/unexpected change, chaos, abrupt change in life structures, “lightening bolt” of wisdom, frustration, anger, fear, freedom from restrictions, setbacks, suppressed anger, clearing what no longer serves you well out of your life, unwillingness to let go of established structures
The Chariot:
astrological sign: Cancer
keywords: self-control, victory, triumph, confidence, faith, mind over heart, depending on yourself, making use of your skills/abilities, over-confidence, recklessness, scattered energy, anger, rebelliousness, inflated ego
Releasing ego and old structures, grounding yourself in the present and the day to day of life.
The Tower and the Chariot represent the two aspects of the gateway into a 16/7 lifetime. (The Birth Card Pairs act as a gateway into each lifetime, determining the theme of that lifetime and showing the energies that we have to draw on.) With the Tower, we are looking at intense, warrior like energy … the kind needed to blast old structures away. This energy is intensely active, expressing a need to have things happen in an “immediate” manner. The Seeker does not have control of themselves in their environment here.