Your writing style and approach to tarot is so unique and it seems you have the potential to write books and articles, is that something you’ve thought about doing?
As a matter of fact, the book that will be the companion to the upcoming Tarot of the Night deck is 80,000 words, so we will see if unique and potential equals any good. One of the things that I discovered as I have studied the Tarot is that the knowledge seems infinite. That is all well and good, and I have the greatest respect for those who bring so much to the table, but I really want to get away from the overwhelming and daunting intellect that seems to resemble a secret handshake to get in. Of course if someone wishes to dive in deep and learn more there are plenty of people that can provide that far better than me, I just want to offer a simple and easy first step. I try to write in a manner that doesn’t display the depth of my knowledge, it’s quite shallow anyway, and I want it to feel comfortable, like two people talking over coffee. Others will decide whether I convey that feeling, but it is my objective.