What is it you want people to see in your work?
I love that you asked me that question. Just as I started out creating Tarot decks, just as the way I write, it is only intended for one person. It isn’t that same one person anymore, now it is every one person who takes interest in my work. I am holding true to the same philosophy even though that situation has changed. What I want people to see in my work is what they need to see, what is important to them, and it really isn’t about me at all. If someone looks at the images I have created and finds them appealing, that is great, I am pleased. However, I consider myself a Tarot artist, not an artist who creates Tarot decks, thus if someone is enlightened and helped through the interpretations of my cards in a reading, then I am not the focus, the reader or querent is, and that is far better than great for me.
The Tarot Deck of Heroes is such a fresh approach to tarot, how did you come up with the idea to create this deck?
There were a lot of Universal forces that came together, the smell of a cinnamon candle, a whisper in my ear, the taste of the sweetest lips, and a chance to caress the softest skin. Oh yes, and a vision of angels was there as well. Thanks to an online video service I came across an old song by Bonnie Tyler, and I watched it, remembering how the song had affected me so long ago on a particular evening. However, what had my attention now were the backup singers in their white gowns. I noticed that every one of them each looked like one of the true loves of my life. Except there was one too many, apparently I haven’t met her yet. Anyway, I decided that they all deserved a hero, as every woman does, and the concept and the name were born.