ATMS Journal Winter 2021 (Public Version) | Page 55


Herbal Farming and Manufacturing Update

by Warren Morey | Herbalist and Manager of the Pharmaceutical Plant Company ( PPC Herbs )
Manufacturing PPC Herbs is a specialist manufacturer of Liquid Herb Extracts and Tinctures and has been operating for 30 years . We do not always see it as “ Trendy ”, in fact it ’ s very Traditional and Old Fashioned . But our feeling is Liquid herbs are in vogue . Why , because Traditional and Old fashioned is making a comeback . But there is also scientific thought and a health-conscious decision being made . Consumers want less processing and less additives or as the medicines industry calls them , excipients .
Tablets contain excipients for all kinds of reasons :
• Diluents , provide bulk and enable accurate dosing of potent ingredients .
• Binders , Bind the tablet ingredients together giving form and mechanical strength .
• Disintegrants to ensure they break down . ( All Australian made tablets
must dissolve in 30 minutes ).
• Glidants , Improve the flow of powders during tablet manufacturing .
• Coating agents to make the tablet easier to swallow .
• Colouring agents to aid identification and protect light sensitive ingredients .
Further Reading : https :// www . nps . org . au / australian-prescriber / articles / pharmaceutical-excipients-wheredo-we-begin
Herbal extracts and our Fresh Plant Tinctures contain only 3 ingredients . Herbal solutes from the Plant material , ethanol and water used as the solvent .
Our new Fresh Plant Glycetracts also contain only 3 ingredients . Herbal solutes from the Plant material , glycerol and water used as the solvent .
As we move to formulated Liquid medicines for the consumer market we choose natural excipients such as :
• Glycerine / Glycerol as a sweetener
• Honey as a sweetener and its immune properties
• Essential Oils like peppermint and lemon for flavour .
Note : All Glycerine used by PPC is Palm Oil free and where required , organically certified .
Farming Ronald and Marleen are coming to the end of another growing season and as farming seasons go , it looks to have been good . No extreme heat , no fires , no floods .
May and June are the months for harvesting root crops , Withania , Astragalus , Dandelion , Gentian , Horse Radish , Burdock and Marshmallow to name a few .
The root harvest is some of the hardest and dirtiest work on the farm . The washing of the roots is critical and when the job is finished its time for a rest over winter .
If you have further questions , please email me at warren . morey @ ppcherbs . com . au Photo Credits : Warren Morey , PPC Herbs
Disclaimer : The views and opinions expressed in these advertorials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ATMS or its Directors .
JATMS | Winter 2021 | 115