ATMS Journal Winter 2021 (Public Version) | Page 56


Eggshell membrane : a novel nutraceutical for joint and skin health

By Wendy McLean | BHSc ( Nat ), BAdvSc ( Hons ), PhD
Eggshell membrane , a natural ingredient obtained from the inner membrane that covers the shell of an egg , is a rich source of amino acids and substrates required for joint and connective tissue health . Eggshell membrane contains collagen ( type I , V , and X ), glycosaminoglycans ( GAGs ), glucosamine , lysozyme and proteins such as elastin . 1 The main GAG in eggshell membrane is hyaluronic acid , which has a unique capacity to bind and retain water molecules , thus contributing to skin hydration , and joint viscosity and elasticity . 2 Extracts from eggshell membrane have been studied for their ability to support healthy skin aging and joint health , including alleviating joint pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis .
Mechanisms of action
As well as containing constituents necessary for joint repair and connective tissue health , eggshell membrane contains a synergy of natural compounds that have antiinflammatory , 3 , 4 immunomodulatory 5 , 6 and chondroprotective actions . 6 In animal arthritis models , eggshell membrane has been shown to possess direct cartilageprotective or -preserving effects . 7 These cartilage-protective or -preserving effects were associated with reduced inflammatory cytokines ( IL-1β and IL-6 ) and cartilage-degrading enzymes ( matrix metalloproteinases ) in serum and decreased markers of inflammation ( highsensitivity CRP and nitric oxide ). 7
Human clinical studies also demonstrate the chondroprotective effects of eggshell membrane . 6 , 8 In healthy postmenopausal women , supplementation with eggshell membrane reduced exercise-induced cartilage turnover and joint pain and stiffness . 6 , 8 In the study by Ruff et al . ( 2018 ) eggshell membrane not only prevented an increase in the cartilage degradation biomarker C-terminal crosslinked telopeptide of type II collagen ( CTX-II ) but reduced urinary CTX-II below baseline levels , indicating a substantial benefit to joint cartilage integrity . 6
Clinical applications - osteoarthritis
Eggshell membrane has demonstrated safety and efficacy in multiple human clinical trials , for relieving joint pain and stiffness in individuals with osteoarthritis . 9-15
In a double-blind , placebo-controlled trial , 20 subjects ( mean age 50.7 ± 2.32 years ) with known symptomatic osteoarthritis were randomised to receive a daily dose of 300mg eggshell membrane or 300mg placebo for 30 days . 15 In subjects taking the eggshell membrane , a gradual and significant ( p < 0.05 ) decrease in pain , dysfunction and total Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index ( WOMAC ) scores were observed from day three until day 30 . No significant differences were observed in the placebo group . Pain improvement increased from 5.8 % at day 3 to 51.9 % at day 30 in the treatment group , meaning that pain was ameliorated more than 50 % in only 30 days . In the eggshell membrane group , improvement in dysfunction scores increased from 9.1 % at day 3 to 47.9 % at day 30 , and from 8.5 % at day 3 to 48 % of recovery at day 30 for total WOMAC scores .
Collectively the published human clinical studies have demonstrated rapid treatment responses in osteoarthritis patients , with reductions in pain and stiffness within four to 10 days , with continuing results over 30-60 days . Furthermore , eggshell membrane studies have shown safety and efficacy in healthy exercising populations , as well as in osteoarthritis populations . 6 , 8
Clinical applications – skin health
Several human clinical trials have demonstrated beneficial effects of eggshell membrane supplementation for improving the health and appearance of
16 , 17
skin by improving firmness , elasticity , and skin barrier function . 17 , 18 A recent 60-day study of healthy adults ( 45 to 75 years ) showed a 25 % increase in skin elasticity , 51 % improvement in skin firmness and a 33 % decline in skin fatigue after 60 days of eggshell membrane intake . 17
Clinical summary
Eggshell membrane has no known drug interactions , or serious side effects such as those associated with conventional treatments prescribed for joint pain and arthritis , such as NSAIDs . It is a safe and effective therapy for reducing joint pain and stiffness , preventing joint damage and improving skin health , firmness and elasticity .
For further clinical support , see BioMedica ’ s technical sheet ‘‘ Supporting connective tissue health with collagen builders ’ at www . biomedica . com . au BioMedica Nutraceuticals P 1300 884 702 . For technical support simply register for an account at www . biomedica . com . au
Full reference list available upon request .
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116 | vol27 | no2 | JATMS