ATMS Journal Winter 2021 (Public Version) | Page 54

Doctors Health Fund
Names and details of eligible ATMS members will be sent to Doctors Health Fund each month . Please note that Doctors Health Fund only covers Remedial Massage . The provider eligibility requirements for Doctors Health Fund are located on the ATMS website www . atms . com . au . Your ATMS number will be your Provider Number .
Names and details of eligible ATMS members will be sent to HCF on a fortnightly basis . The provider eligibility requirements for HCF are located on the ATMS website www . atms . com . au . HCF do not issue provider numbers nor use your ATMS number as your provider number . They do however require your ATMS membership details , including your ATMS number , to be clearly indicated on all invoices and receipts issued .
Please note : HCF requires all providers to have a minimum of $ 2 million Professional Indemnity Insurance . They no longer accredit Nutrition ( as of 1 April 2019 ).
Medibank Private
Names and details of eligible ATMS members will be sent to Medibank Private on a fortnightly basis . The provider eligibility requirements for Medibank Private are located on the ATMS website www . atms . com . au . Medibank Private requires Clinical Records to be taken in English . Medibank Private generates Provider Numbers after receiving the list of eligible practitioners from ATMS . Medibank Private sends these provider numbers directly to ATMS . ATMS will then forward this information to the provider . Please note that Medibank has placed a restriction of up to a maximum 3 clinic addresses that will be recognised for Remedial Massage . There are no restrictions on the number of recognised clinics for other modalities . Please refer to our website for updated recognition criteria and standards for Medibank .
NIB including APIA , AAMI Health Insurance , Qantas Health Insurance & GU Health
Names and details of eligible ATMS members will be sent to NIB on a weekly basis . The provider eligibility requirements for NIB are located on the ATMS website www . atms . com . au . NIB does accept overseas Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine qualifications which have been assessed as equivalent to the required Australian qualification by Vetassess . Your ATMS Membership Number will be your provider number .
ATMS members who wish to activate these facilities need to register directly with HICAPS . HICAPS do not cover all health funds and modalities . Please go to www . hicaps . com . au or call 1800 805 780 for further information .
ATMS Member Interview Sung Il Kang
Which modalities do you practise ? I practice Remedial Massage ( Diploma in SIBT : 2014 ), Chinese Massage ( Diploma in SITCM : 2014 ), - Aromatherapy ( Diploma in TAFE : 2015 ), Acupuncture ( Bachelor in SITCM : 2019 ) and Chinese Herbal Medicine ( Bachelor in SITCM : 2019 ).
How long have you been in practice ? I have been a Remedial Massage Therapist since 2014 and NCCAOM ( USA ) certified practitioner of Acupuncture and Chinese Herb Medicine since 2001 .
What have been the major influences on your career ? If I have to choose , it would have to be my first studies of the Remedial Massage course in Australia . Not only from the knowledge I learned regarding Remedial Massage , but I also experienced various kinds of practical skills in the student clinic . Based on this , I was able to start to develop other modalities for future clients ..
What do you like about being a natural medicine practitioner ? As natural medicine practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine , we can assess , treat , and help prevent physical or mental functional diseases .
What advice would you give to a new practitioner starting out ? As natural medicine practitioners we need to regularly update our clinical skills and professional knowledge because evidence-based medicine is now expected in practice .
What are your future ambitions ? If I have many years of treating patients , learning more about natural medicine and gaining more life experience . In the future , I would like to write a book regarding all combined modalities .
What are your reflections on the present state of the natural medicine profession and their direction for the future ? At the moment , my current focus is on " what is it ?" and " what to do ?" However , in the future with greater changes in the medical landscape , I think I have to continuously maintain enhanced health knowledge , clinical skills , and professional outcomes concerning evidence-based medicine .
114 | vol27 | no2 | JATMS