ATMS Journal Winter 2021 (Public Version) | Page 53

HEALTH FUND NEWS are your name , address , telephone and accredited discipline ( s ). These details will appear on the ARHG websites . If you do not wish your details to be sent to ARHG , please advise the ATMS office on 1800 456 855 .
The ARHG provider number is based on your ATMS number with additional lettering . To work out your ARHG provider number please follow these steps :
1 Add the letters AT to the front of your ATMS member number
2 If your ATMS number has five digits go to step 3 . If it has two , three or four digits , you need to add enough zeros to the front to make it a five digit number ( e . g . 123 becomes 00123 ).
3 Add the letter that corresponds to your accredited modality at the end of the provider number ;
If ATMS member 123 is accredited in Acupuncture , the ARHG provider number will be AT00123A .
4 If you are accredited in several modalities , you will need a different provider number for each modality ( e . g . if ATMS member 123 is accredited for Chinese Herbal Medicine and Nutrition , the ARHG provider numbers are AT00123C and AT00123U .
ARHG - Remedial Massage and Chinese Massage
Remedial Massage and Chinese Massage therapists who graduated after March 2002 must hold a Certificate IV or higher from a registered training organisation .
Members who are accredited for Remedial Massage or Chinese Massage , will need to use the following letters .
R REMEDIAL THERAPY The letter at the end of your provider number will depend on your qualification , not the modality in which you hold accreditation *. All members who meet the ARHG eligibility requirements , who hold a Diploma of Remedial HLT50302 , HLT50307 or HLT52015 or a Diploma of Chinese Remedial Massage HLT50102 , HLT50107 or HLT50112 will be able to use both the ‘ M ’ and ‘ R ’ letters . It is recommended to use the ‘ R ’ as often as possible , but as not all health funds under ARHG cover ‘ Remedial Therapy ’, it will be necessary to use the ‘ M ’ at the end of the provider number for those funds only . All other eligible Remedial Massage Therapists who do not hold the Diploma of Remedial HLT50302 , HLT50307 or HLT52015 or a Diploma of Chinese Remedial Massage HLT50102 , HLT50107 or HLT50112 are required to use the ‘ M ’ at the end of their provider number .
* Members accredited for Remedial Therapies and approved for ARHG for this modality under their previous criteria will continue to be recognised under Remedial Therapy and will be fine to use the ‘ R ’ in their provider number . Should members in this situation lapse membership , first aid or insurance etc they will then be required to meet the current ARHG criteria .
Please note : as of 1 July 2020 , ARHG requires all providers to have a minimum of $ 2 million Professional Indemnity Insurance and $ 10 million for Public Liability Insurance for Nutrition and Remedial Massage .
HBF Health – – Hypnotherapy
Names and details of eligible ATMS members will be sent to HBF for this modality only each month .
Australian Unity
Names and details of eligible ATMS members will be sent to Australian Unity each month . ATMS members will need to contact Australian Unity on 1800 035 360 to register as a provider , after filling out the Australian Unity Application Form located on the ATMS website to activate their provider status . This only needs to happen the first time . The provider eligibility requirements for Australian Unity are located on the ATMS website www . atms . com . au . Your ATMS number can be used as your Provider Number , or you can contact Australian Unity for your Australian Unity generated Provider Number . Please note that Australian Unity requires Professional Indemnity Insurance ( to at least $ 2 million ) and Public Liability Insurance ( to at least $ 10 million ).
Please note that Australian Unity requires Professional Indemnity Insurance of at least $ 2 million and Public Liability Insurance of at least $ 10 million .
Names and details of eligible ATMS members will be sent to BUPA on a monthly basis . The provider eligibility requirements for BUPA are located on the ATMS website www . atms . com . au . The Provider eligibility requirements include an IELTS test result of an overall Band 7 or higher for TCM qualifications completed in a language other than English . BUPA will generate a Provider Number after receiving the list of eligible practitioners . BUPA advises ATMS of your Provider Number and ATMS will then advise those members directly .
Please note that BUPA requires all providers to have a minimum of $ 2 million Professional Indemnity Insurance . Also , they now have a restriction of a maximum of four clinic addresses for all modalities .
CBHS Health Fund Limited
Names and details of eligible ATMS members will be sent to CBHS each month . The provider eligibility requirements for CBHS are located on the ATMS website www . atms . com . au . Your ATMS number will be your Provider Number .
Please note : CBHS now no longer accredits Nutrition as of 1 April 2019 .
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