ATMS Journal Winter 2021 (Public Version) | Page 44


Lobbying and Advocacy Report

Christine Pope | ATMS Treasurer
Friends of Parliamentary Group launching in June
ATMS continues its advocacy for natural medicine and practitioners across a range of areas in 2021 and is fortunate that with restrictions lifting in person meetings have been possible in Canberra in March and April , 2021 . We have also been working on joint advocacy with the groups known as OneCAM as well as organising a launch event for the Parliamentary Friends of Complementary and Natural Therapies in Canberra in June .
Peter Berryman as part of OneCAM has organised a pre-budget submission as part of the budget process for May , 2021 . The focus is on returning rebates to their rightful place in Private Health Insurance . ATMS Advocacy with government has also focused on the need to ensure that women who make up 80 % of practitioners do not continue to be penalised by COVID . Reintroducing rebates for therapies would be a good low cost way to support them .
ATMS is organising care packs to be delivered during Natural Medicine Week to all members of the House of Representatives and Senate . Donations of product have been received from a number of major suppliers including Orthoplex Green Ultra Buffered C , Bioceuticals Mega BQ10 , Biopractica Magnesium Diasporal , Solugel Fisiocream and Australian Bush Flowers Emergency Essence . The goal was to provide government representatives with samples of products representing as many natural medicine practices as possible .
The products will be boxed with an invitation to the launch event being the Parliamentary Friends of Complementary and Natural Therapies on the 22nd June . The care packs will be delivered to Parliament House by the CEO , Charles
Wurf and Director , Christine Pope , who have meetings in person that week .
The launch event will run from 10-2pm on Tuesday , 22 June , 2021 . The event will include a brief opening with our sponsor , Senator Sterling Grif , followed by a mini expo with tea tastings , seated massage , mini consultations and supplement tastings . The Expo has been a collaborative effort with Evolve College providing Canberra students and Bioceuticals organising the tastings . Given the restrictions we are limited to 30 people in the space at once so the event is a little smaller and we may need to rotate people through the rooms .
The focus of the care packs and the launch event is to continue to remind parliamentarians of the benefits of natural medicine and its importance to Australians . Natural medicine practitioners need to be returned to rebates as a first step .
Please join the
Parliamentary Friends of Complementary and Traditional Therapies
Product Information
Please find included in your package a number of products and services from the natural therapies sector for you to try .
The Australian Traditional-Medicine Society for a mini expo , including :
Fisiocrem Solugel Fisiocrem is a natural , topical pain relief gel for the temporary relief of muscular aches and pains . It is also useful to use for pain associated with minor injuries , soft tissue trauma , bruises and swelling . It uses Menthol and naturally derived active ingredients of Arnica , Hypericum , Calendula and Melaleuca . How to use
Biopractica Magnesium Diasporal Biopractica Magnesium Diasporal is an organic , highly bioavailable magnesium powder . Magnesium is currently the most depleted mineral in Australian soils and the one that works fastest to reduce your stress . It also supports your energy , muscle function , nervous system , cardiovascular & bone health . It is also useful to take in the case of nerve / muscle pain , migraines
Apply 2- 4g ( approx . ½-1 level 5ml teaspoon )
and anxiety .
15-minute seated massage
With qualified massage therapists from The Australian Traditional-Medicine Society and Evolve College
Find out how you are tracking physically and discuss how natural therapies can support your health and help to reduce stress
of Fisiocrem to the affected area 2-3 times a day , or as often as required . Contraindications : None
How to use Take one satchel in 150ml daily , preferably after food . Contraindications : none
bookings essential
Make your own herbal tea blend Facilitated by Naturopath , Peter Berryman
View our extensive collection of presentations and webinars from Naturopaths , Nutritionists , Kinesiologists , Yoga Practitioners and more
Orthoplex Green Ultra Buffered C Powder Orthoplex Green Ultra Buffered C Powder offers powerful antioxidant and immune-supporting benefits of vitamin C in a gentle , mineral ascorbate form that supports the immune system . In addition , this formula
Australian Bush Flower Essences – Emergency Essence This natural remedy is made from Australian native plants , including Waratah , collected in the wild from
supports the endocrine and nervous systems , while
all over the country . This essence has a calming effect ,
helping to maintain skin integrity as well as collagen
and boosts your ability to cope with distress and / or
and connective tissue formation .
anxiety .
How to use : Take 4g ( approx .. 1 level 5m teaspoon ) in
How to use
Tuesday , 22 June 10AM-2PM ( SPEAKERS FROM 10 . 15AM )
VENUE : DAME ENID LYONS ALCOVE RSVP : Rachel . Pace @ aph . gov . au Please include your preferred massage time
Due to COVID restrictions numbers are limited - so please respond early water 1-2x daily . Contraindications : None
BioCeuticals Mega B Q10 The Bioceuticals Mega B Q10 formula is a great natural formula that supports your nervous system , cellular energy and helps neutralise the effects of free radicals . It is made up of bioavailable and metabolically active forms of B vitamins together with coenzyme Q10 and other antioxidants . How to use Take one capsule a day , preferably after breakfast . Contraindications : Do not take while pregnant , on retinol or warfarin therapy without medical advice .
Take 7 drops of this remedy under your tongue or in water at any time you feel overwhelmed , anxious and / or under pressure . Contraindications : none
These products are available in pharmacies and health food stores , however , it is important that if you are on any medications you do check with your healthcare provider before using the product . Always read the label and use only as directed .
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