ATMS Journal Winter 2021 (Public Version) | Page 45

Musculoskeletal Pain - Assessment , Prediction and Treatment
Author : David Walton and James Elliott Publisher : Handspring Publishing ISBN : 978-1-912085-50-7
Built upon the Assess , Predict , Treat framework , the authors offer a method to help clinicians better understand their patients ’ pain . They present evidence-based decision tools to predict the natural and clinical course of common conditions , such as neck and low back pain . They then synthesise that information into a logical , integrated treatment approach , which respects the individuality of the patient , the experiences of the clinician , and the value of evidence-informed practice .
This text presents a common-sense approach to interpreting and applying existing clinical knowledge . It explores new research to help clinicians make sense of the complex phenomena of acute and chronic posttraumatic musculoskeletal pain .
David Walton and James Elliott are leaders in the field of post-traumatic pain and recovery . Their work provides a valuable framework to help novice clinicians build their expertise ; and helps more experienced clinicians better interpret , synthesise and discuss complex information on pain with the goal of optimised outcomes for patients .
The Power and the Grace : A Professional ’ s Guide To Ease and Efficiency in Functional Movement
Author : David Walton and James Elliott Publisher : Handspring Publishing ISBN : 978-1-912085-50-7
The Power and the Grace has been written for holistically minded professionals across the health , fitness and wellbeing spectrum . It focuses on the art and science of movement teaching . The book integrates current key themes in biomechanics , brain science , movement control and myofascial concepts . Building from foundational chapters on how movement can be analysed , developed and progressed , The Power and the Grace provides new outlooks on posture and spinal dynamics , the power of emotion and intention , keys to lower limb performance and gait , and an exploration of the dynamic upper limb .
Joanne Elphinston is an international movement expert and works as a high performance consultant for professional dancers , musicians and elite athletes at Olympic level . A former coach and fitness instructor , she is a consultant physiotherapist who specialises in chronic neuromusculoskeletal conditions . She has authored a number of books about movement .
Joanne uses the JEMS ® approach to explore and optimise movement in diverse fields like child development , chronic pain management and athletic training . Her work has underpinned research on hypermobility related pain , falls prevention , stroke rehabilitation and sports .
“ Finally , a book about teaching movement that is a much about the brain and how we learn best , as it is about the movement outcomes we desire . Knowing what we want from a client in terms of posture or movement is often the easy part . Knowing how to communicate that in a way that is meaningful to them and that creates a true , lasting change is the real challenge . There is so much wisdom in this book to that end . Teaching your clients how to sense themselves more accurately removes the necessity for restrictive postural cues that are actually inhibiting normal , functional movement .” ( Ref : Terra Rosa )
These reviews first appeared in the Summer 2021 issue of Osteo Life , the magazine of Osteopathy Australia , and are reprinted by kind permission .
JATMS | Winter 2021 | 105