LAW REPORT particularly in massage therapy . It is up to the healthcare practitioner to ensure that they act with integrity and maintain an equal balance of power at all times .
One of the most important things a healthcare practitioner can do is to set boundaries . These boundaries are there to protect both the therapist and the client . It is a line that must never be crossed . So how does the healthcare practitioner do this ?
First , make sure that your professional and personal relationships are kept separate and apart . A healthcare practitioner must never have a personal relationship with their client . Business and pleasure should not mix ! If you want to have a personal relationship with your client , the professional one must stop first . This does not mean that you cannot be friendly and more familiar with long-term clients , but you must always remember that they are a client not a friend .
Second , you must never have a sexual relationship with your client . This blurs the professional relationship and professional boundaries . Remember that it is the healthcare practitioner who must always maintain appropriate behaviour regardless of whether or not the client is being suggestive or flirting .
As well as what I have already suggested , here are some tips to help a healthcare practitioner avoid misunderstandings :
All massage and bodywork clients should :
• Wear underpants during treatments
• Dress and undress in private
• Be appropriately draped
All healthcare practitioners should :
• Use appropriate clinical terminology when talking with the client about their body
• Never make inappropriate comments about a client ’ s body
• Never probe intrusively about a client ’ s personal , sexual or financial information
• Remain within their scope of practice
Follow these steps , maintain professional boundaries and never have inappropriate relationships with your clients . Follow these rules and you will remain above reproach .
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