AST Jan 2020 Magazine AST Jan 2020 Magazine | Page 12
Jan/Feb 2020 - Edition 40
For government facilities, one
critical security issue is facing
the threat of mob-style attacks
at doors – for example when a
protest gets out of hand and
people start to use whatever
It’s great to be able to deploy they have at hand to gain ac-
doors when you need them,
them , but cess to a building.
building .
what makes some rolling prod-
ucts really attractive is the fact This is where you need a door
that they have a tight footprint—
footprint — that can withstand brutal at-
meaning they don’t stick out tacks for prolonged periods
into the safe room space and
of time.
they don’t take up too much
room inside the walls either.
Standard coiling doors are
great for standard security,
security , but
You can hide the door by when you are dealing with
rolling it up into the ceil- true intent to harm – when
ing revealing only the vertical you have bad actors that in-
guides, which can be embed- tend to do harm no matter
ded in the structure if you de- the cost,
cost , you need to beef up
your security.
security .
The only place where rolling doors
are unable to be used is in a path
of egress,
egress , and in that case there
are a variety of ICC500/FEMA 361
compliant swing doors available.
Mob Security - Man Made The government standard for
forced entry (SD-STD-01.01,