AST Jan 2020 Magazine AST Jan 2020 Magazine | Page 13

Revision G (Amended)) was de- tools such as Jan/Feb battering rams, 2019 - Edition 40 signed for attacks that escalate axes, crowbars, and the like. like . – not sophisticated attacks. attacks . The idea of using a rolling door That’s why the testing required for this kind of protection is rel- for this code requires six men atively new – oftentimes a swing between the ages of 18 and door is the first thought as a first 24 that weigh more than 160 line of defense. but less than 250 pounds to try and pass a rigid rectangu- But the challenge with swing lar shape measuring 12” x 12” x doors is that you can always 8” or a rigid 12” x 12” cylinder see them and can have pre- them . through the door using hand pared a plan to breech them. The question is "How " How much protection does your client need? need ? For any application where there is significant risk of intent to do harm har m , violent forced entry, entry , or terrorist threats, the EntryDefender is the Solution." Solution ." 13