AST Jan 2020 Magazine AST Jan 2020 Magazine | Page 11 Jan/Feb 2019 - Edition 40 (Safe room design no longer has to be challenging. StormDefender™ gives you ICC 500 compliance with automatically locking doors that recess into the ceiling, giving you more open designs than ever before. Courtesy of CornellCookson.) CornellCookson .) Of note, the word “withstand “ withstand” ” in reference to doors that protect p rotect storm shelters means that after impact, , the doors may not have impact more than a three inch perma- nent deformation (or dent) that protrudes into the safe room. This is to ensure that even if pro- jectiles are stopped, stopped , they don’t enter too far into the storm room to potentially hurt an oc- cupant.. cupant For areas that tha t are intended to be multi-use, , rolling doors pro- multi-use vide the most mo st design flexibility. flexibility . Rolling doors can be mounted behind varying sizes of windows and full window banks (allowing ( allowing light during non-events) non-events ) and con- cealed in the ceiling except in a storm situation, where it would descend down upon activation by alarm or push button button.. 11