AST Jan 2020 Magazine AST Jan 2020 Magazine | Page 10

wind do-safe rooms into their build- So, top hurricane Jan/Feb design 2020 - Edition 40 speeds are 235 mph mph, , while top tor- ings.. ings nado design wind speeds are 250 What kind of high wind and mph mph.. how much of an impact a safe room must withstand Impact speeds are similarly differ- ent—more more intense for tornadoes, tornadoes , depends on if it is designed to ent— hurricanes.. withstand a tornado or a hurri- and less so for hurricanes cane.. cane As such, hurricane shelters, shelters , includ- Tornadoes involve short, violent ing their doors, doors , have impact test wind bursts, pressures, and im- criteria of being able to withstand a 110 mph impact with a 9 lb 2x4 pacts. projectile.. projectile Hurricanes typically come on slower, last longer, and can de- Tornado shelters must be able to liver sustained wind and flood- withstand a 100 mph impact with a 15 lb 2x4 projectile. projectile . ing. To combat the alarming increase in natural disasters and protect human lives against deadly winds, flying projectiles and fire, fire , CornellCookson has developed the Storm- Defender™ Door for multi-use rooms such as government office buildings and school cafeterias. 10