AST Digital Magazine June 2017 Digital-June | Page 41

Volume 13 and vice versa. Enter your profile and tap on “Find Friends” to start building your circle and watch over the people you love the most. Courtesy of Reporty – The social safe city, and YouTube) “For us,” Elichai said, “innovation is what drives us and makes our product so groundbreaking.” June 2017 Edition edge their outstanding efforts to ‘Keep our Na- tion Secure, One City at a Time.’ As an ‘ASTORS’ competitor, Reporty will be competing against the industry’s leading providers of 911 Emergency Technologies. “We know that technology is constantly evolving and every sector, public and private, needs to un- derstand that one can be vigilant but also tolerant of new ideas and technologies.” “We’re looking forward to America experiencing Reporty.” “We exist to save lives and we’re going to help cit- izens connect with the governments, emergency services, and within the private sector.” Carybne’s ‘Reporty’ in 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Home- land Security Awards Program Good luck to Carbyne on becoming a Winner of the 2017 American Security Today’s Home- land Security Awards Program! To learn more about Reporty’s state-of-the-art in- door and outdoor location technology, streaming video calling, call prioritization and more, please visit the company’s website at The 2017 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Program, is organized to recognize the most dis- tinguished vendors of Physical, IT, Port Security, Law Enforcement, First Responders, (Fire, EMT, Military, Support Services Vets, SBA, Medical Tech) as well as the Federal, State, County and Municipal Government Agencies – to acknowl- Would you like to advertise in our next digital magazine addition? Contact our lead Ad rep at [email protected] or call 646.450.6027 41