4 th Grade Charity Bake Sale

On June 11 th , Grade 4 embarked on a fundraising project . They had everything under control , they worked really hard , baking the cakes themselves to be sold the next day in order to collect money for UNICEF . Here ’ s an interview to one of the students involved :
Why did you organize a bake sale ?
The bake sale was an idea to raise funds for children who don ' t have money and therefore can ' t receive any vaccination . The money will later be sent via the UNICEF web page and we are going to choose the vaccinations to know if they are going to be in general for everybody or for one concrete place .
How did the cake system exactly work ? We made the cakes ourselves in the school kitchen , taking turns and in different groups and at the same time we made a Basque rice cake for Social Studies because we were studying the Basque Country . The cakes were sold during Lower and Upper School morning recess .
How did the sale go ? We made 15-20 cakes and sold them for one euro a piece .
How much money did you raise ? We haven ’ t counted the money yet but we can proudly say it was a huge success . We sold almost every cake . Part of the money needs to be collected , we need to go door to door asking for the money and once we are done , the money will be sent to UNICEF .
Did you enjoy it ? We really enjoyed it because while we sold the cakes , we talked with the people . Even though they gave us the option to stop selling cakes and go to recess , we were having so much fun , that most of us stayed to help .
Special thanks to Philippos Andreou ( Grade 4 ) for the interview .
By : Angeliki Andreou
“ We really enjoyed it because while we sold the cakes , we talked with the people ” Philippos Andreou ( 4 th Grade )

Water Day ( Kinder and Pre-Kinder )

When spring came , Pre Kinder and Kinder were very busy learning about water and about animals who live in it . Pre Kinder students also learned all about the water and its importance in a plant ' s growing cycle . They sang two songs , one about the rain and another one about the rainbow . can do with water . Finally , Ms . Ana and Ms . Saioa ' s class studied the cycle of frogs . “ We did ponds with white cardboard , then we decorated them with blue paper imitating water , small rocks , plants and animals such as tadpoles and frogs . The kids even dressed up in homemade frog costumes !,” said Ms . Saioa .
Experts and Novices did different activities which they shared in a small assembly later on . Ms . Becky and Ms . Maria ' s class had fun in all their activities ( splashing in puddles , watering plants , drinking water , etc ...) and they learned all about what you
All in all , Pre Kinder and Kinder students learned a lot about water but most importantly they had a great time dressing up , singing and taking part in fun activities together .
By : Claudia Hernandez ( 9 th grade )