Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 | Page 21

G. SAMHITHA REDDY (2015-19, ECE) CREATIVE DIRECTOR Doodle, this word represents an emotion for me. It was my interest in it, that made me join the Artista Club in 2nd year. I am an in-campus hosteler. I have seen 2017 EB, work tirelessly late nights and accompanied them in Rang 2018 Fest. I believe it was my commitment to club, that I am now selected into EB. Being the Creative Director of ARTISTA, was a life time experience. I have learnt, how to be creative in a time bound environment, yet not lose my sanity! How to deal with a team, while still managing my studies. I also got exposure to different kinds of arts. Being an artist myself, it inspired me to learn and fetch my curiosity about all those forms of art. I am grateful for the ARTISTA club, that transformed me into a better person. THOTA NAGA DARSHINI (2015-19, IT) PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER One of my most cherish able moments of Engineering is when I stepped into the Art club of GNITS - ARTISTA. It was a great chance for me. During my initial days, my seniors in the club were very supportive and welcoming. In due course of time, I got to learn a lot of things apart from art. As a member, my work made me responsible, it enhanced my confidence. It also made me look at art, in a different perspective, which I never imagined previously. Later, I was selected as the PRO of the club. This position gave me an opportunity to interact with people, deal with various tasks. I developed good managerial and communication abilities. Its a package of fun to work in the present team. I am happy to be associated with Artista. I will always relish each and every moment. I am proud to be a part of such an amazing club.