Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 Artista Coffee Table Book Edition 1 | Page 20

SWATHI MOTAMARRI (2015-19, ECE) SECRETARY AND DOCUMENTATION Art for me is childhood, weird but true. I relive my childhood, every time I make someone happy with my art. I am an only child. As a kid, I was introduced to art by my mother. She believes that a child grows completely, only when they try everything first hand. It started with small greeting cards for me and grew to calligraphy, bookmarks and personalised gifting. I try to portray a person as themselves, through finite details of art. As soon as I joined GNITS, I was elected as a Class Representative. I was told that, a CR can be member but not a coordinator of any club, as everyone should be given a chance. I joined Artista as a member in 1st year, exhibited my art in Galleria. I was encouraged by then final year senior Madhurima (EB) and Aparna ma’am to continue my creative angle. Due to some circumstances, I joined Artista as a Coordinator in 3rd year and worked for our very first club hit, Rang 2018. It was an experience I will cherish! This year I was selected into Executive Board, I believe, based on my commitment to club, though I am still a CR. Apart from being a CR, I took up many other responsibilities such as being a Mentor and Organiser for Economic Times Campus Stars 2.0 and being a Social Media Strategist for Deliotte Techno Utsav 2.0. Every new responsibility taught me a new perspective. Art, is still my stress buster and passion. Working with two posts was a special responsibility for me throughout the year. As a Secretary, preplanning was very important for me. Organising the workshop was the biggest challenge for me, as I had to plan and slot students from four years, all branches, all sections based on their timetables and total slot count. It took me great strategy and I am happy it worked well and we could even convince HOD’s to give us attendance. The first ever art workshop of GNITS with 158 participants was a hit! And, I must say, the efforts were worth it. As a Documentation Head, I got the opportunity to document the first edition of Coffee Table Book for Artista. Contacting our ex-eb, re-living their memories, interviewing them, collecting art from GNITians, every part of it will be a part of me for ever. I hope, I reached the expectations of the club on the book.