ART Dentistry All About Invisalign Dental Braces & Dental Bridge | Page 4

The Benefits of Invisalign Dental Braces • Duration. Traditional braces will typically be worn by the patient for anything from two to five years at a time. This is a very long and arduous process that, understandably some people do not want to put themselves through – especially if they are older. However, with invisalign dental braces, this will never be a problem. These braces only last for a brief period time, something usually like one year, to maybe a year and a half at the most. The great thing is that the results are still the same as they would be with traditional metal braces, just without all of the fuss and prolonged waiting periods. • Comfort. Metal braces do have an unfortunate tendency to snap and therefore dig in to the sides of people’s gums and mouths, which, naturally, is rather painful for the wearer. With invisalign braces this does not happen, they are much more comfortable to wear than the metal ones. This is mostly because they can be removed, unlike traditional metal braces. This is also makes it easier to eat things as well as drink things that you couldn’t eat with traditional braces. Taking them out also allows the mouth to relax and recuperate after wearing the braces.