ART Dentistry All About Invisalign Dental Braces & Dental Bridge | Page 5

The Benefits of Invisalign Dental Braces • Appearance. A mouth full of metal can look a tad odd, and make the wearer feel very self-conscious about the appearance of their teeth and smiles in general. This goes double for adults as braces are normally seen as something that a teenager would wear. However, with invisalign braces, there is no need to feel embarrassed or worry about people seeing your braces. Invisalign braces are also called invisible braces, they are made of an incredibly clear material. It looks as though the wearer is completely free of braces, when in reality, this is not the case. Invisalign braces are a lot more appealing and attractive than traditional metal braces. • Safety and caution. As mentioned above, there are a lot of metal wires with traditional braces that can cause a myriad of problems. One such problem would be cuts and scratches on the gums, tongue and inside of the cheeks. However, invisalign dental braces are made from a completely smooth material. Cuts and scrapes need never be a problem with these forms of braces. There are no sharp edges or anything that is in likely hood to snap or break – there is absolutely no chance of injury or irritation. There is also none of the force involved with traditional metal braces, so this also reduces any of the possible pain involved with braces.