ART Dentistry All About Invisalign Dental Braces & Dental Bridge | Página 3

Everything you need to know about Invisalign Dental Braces • Invisalign braces are made up of plastic and form something called aligners that will work slowly to realign a person’s teeth. Moulds will be taken of a patient’s teeth in the first initial appointment to create a 3D cast, x-rays and digital imaging are also used during this process. This helps the dental surgeon to come up with a fool proof course of action when it comes to actually sculpting the impression of the teeth for the braces. • Once the Invisalign braces have been sculpted and fitted to a patient’s mouth they will have to be worn for the majority of the day, for twenty two hours at least – it is advised to take them out only when sleeping. You can, however, remove them when eating or when brushing your teeth, this will make the Invisalign brace much easier to clean and keep your mouth and gums hygienic. Having unclean braces will cause some nasty infections and complications. What Invisalign braces work to do is realign any crooked or wonky teeth and to correct any overbites. They do this by gently guiding your teeth into a better, more healthy position. However, there are different parts and pieces to Invisalign braces and the patient will progress through these different mouth pieces in two week stages, of course, providing everything went well with the prior stages and treatments.